Get Comfortable With Money Talk

Get Comfortable With Money Talk Money conversations, salary or invoicing are some of the hardest to manage. Here’s why. 😇 Money is attached very closely to ego and status in our modern society. When we discuss how much we earn or charge we are indicating to...

Demonstrate Humility and Build Respect

Demonstrate Humility and Build Respect I hate making mistakes and getting any sort of criticism. It scares me. Looking foolish, people laughing at me and getting things wrong are my greatest fears and have always been triggers for me to feel angry. Being laughed at...

Your Future is Specialisation

Your Future is Specialisation Unless you are a specialist you are going to be left behind. Business is like athletics and music where specialisation is king. I know my weaknesses and I accept them because knowing what they are stops me from doing poor quality work. I...

Walk in the Shoes You Were Given

Walk in the Shoes You are Given  Until very recently I was very uncomfortable with my identity. I was trying to be something and someone that I thought people would be impressed by and I ignored what made me really happy. I love to be active and I thought people would...