The Top 5 Things I Learned Last Year. Number 2

Number 2

Be honest with myself about where I am and say it out loud.

I am a salesperson and at heart I focus on positive things, I am optimistic and hopeful. I see setbacks as things that happen and with the need to remain positive.

As a side effect of these things I am great at positive self-talk, and telling myself stories about problems to minimise them.

Last year there were certain realities that were inescapable and I needed to adjust to. Being positive wasn’t the answer, the answer was in facing the truth, accepting the truth and then thinking about doing things differently.

I learned that it was physically much harder to say these things out loud than to think them.

But when I did, they became real and inescapable.

It really helped me and I resolved to continue to be honest with myself no matter how uncomfortable it feels.

Are you honest with yourself or do you try to disguise issues?

David Goggins writes that he reads negative reviews about himself and he thinks about the difficult things in his life because by facing them, then there is nothing else to fear.

It is an act of humility to accept weaknesses but it is from these moments that strength and confidence can grow.