Dogs in the office. Where do we stand? Yes or no?

I love dogs!

In fact I am running a marathon in aid of Guide Dogs. They are incredible animals with the capacity to provide love, companionship, opportunity for exercise, a sense of belonging and so much more.

But should companies allow them in the office?

✅In favour:

Dogs in the office will help people feel comfortable. They are a great stress reliever and provide an opportunity for people to take a break from their desk to take the dog out for a few minutes, get some air and create space for mental wellbeing.

I work from home regularly and having my dog asleep under my desk or next to me is nice. I can stroke him and it provides a sense of companionship and a moment of pleasure and calm.

There is no doubt that a company allowing dogs in the office will attract certain people to join them. It might suggest something about their culture and could attract staff who see this gesture as a positive, forward thinking business culture.

We probably spend too long in meetings, and at our desks and the regular enforced breaks will be a benefit on overall productivity.

As it is said, “nobody ever came up with a great idea sitting at their desk!”


Whilst Charlie sits with me on calls and when I am doing online meetings, I would never take him to a client office or event.

I think it would be a distraction for me and unsettling for him to be in an office environment. He would need to be on the lead and I doubt would settle in the strange environment.

I would be worried about other dogs and the fact they would demand to interact. It could create tension and chaos depending on how disciplined the owners are. (Dogs only do what their owner allows!)

Dogs can also be messy, accidents happen, they spill water and they wander around.

Do businesses want 5 people turning up for a meeting together with 4 dogs?

Isn’t it the same as bringing your children to work? We know it isn’t appropriate unless an absolute emergency because of the difficulties it creates for us and our colleagues?

❔Where do you stand?

Dogs in the office? What are your thoughts?