How to Solve Problems 

Dealing with Customer Rejections

Wordle – a craze that is currently sweeping the nation! How good are you at solving these puzzles?

It is simply the latest in a craze of puzzles that fascinate the nation dating back as far as anyone can remember. Challenges such as crosswords, word search, quiz questions and riddles capture our attention becoming regular parts of life.

Before the time of smartphones, these puzzles were an important part of any long journey. They were a way to pass the time as well as a way to stimulate imagination and creativity.

What these puzzles allow us to do is to challenge ourselves to think differently and be more creative. They help us uncover and unlock the skills that we need to solve problems.

These are the skills that are incredibly important when we are working with customers and partners trying to shift their beliefs or overcome barriers that will unlock value and opportunities.

What you might not realise is the depth and scale that you are practising these skills when you are involved in problem-solving exercises such as wordle and how these help you at work.

If you are struggling to work with a customer who seems entrenched in their point of view then you need to solve a problem. The skills are problem-solving exactly what you need to enhance and develop.

Foxleigh Insight


At Foxleigh we have been working for many years supporting clients to overcome these challenges and develop their problem-solving skills. Here are a few of the critical elements and some tips that you can use when you are struggling to deal with someone difficult.


  • Adaptability – problem-solving requires the ability to change your approach. If you are someone who likes to do things a certain way then it is likely you will struggle to solve problems simply because the problem requires you to do something you consider to be unusual.
  • Patience – problem-solving takes time, great problem solvers are able to take time to think through alternatives, to test the hypothesis, and to try out their ideas. If you become frustrated quickly, then you are likely to struggle to problem solve.
  • Empathy – if you are trying to understand how to overcome a problem with a specific person, then you need to understand what and how they are thinking. The ability to empathise with them is an essential part of problem-solving in order to diagnose where the barriers might exist.
  • Creativity – problem-solving does take imagination. It is important that you can see new ways of doing something. If you are unable to create new paths, or see new perspectives, by keeping an open mind, then you will struggle to problem solve.
  • Lateral thinking – sometimes the answer to a problem is to take a solution that is used elsewhere and apply it to a different situation. This is lateral thinking. If you have this ability then you can discover solutions in places others may not think of looking.

Dealing with rejections is part of building success. For advice and tips to overcome barriers get in touch.