How to improve 1-2-1 meetings.

They are such a big part of everything we do with internal colleagues and with customers that anything we can do to improve is so important.

When asked, I scratched my head for a moment and then considered something from a book I am reading at the moment by Alistair Campbell – “But What Can I Do?”

He told a story about meeting people when campaigning.

He is a famous campaigner in the political sphere, helping Labour win 3 general elections in the 1990’s and 2000’s.

He is a genius communications strategist and a student of leadership.

He spoke about the multiple things to pay attention to when you meet someone new.

He talked about the need to try and influence them with your messages, but he went further.

He talked about the value of who they are influenced by and who is in their network.

It provides you with a perfect opportunity to demonstrate listening and make them feel important – an essential goal of any 1:1 meeting, but it also provides wonderful insight of where to go next and where you can learn more.

This reminder took me back to one of my 8 skills of excellence in meetings

🕵‍♀️ Identify Decision Makers/Influencers

It is something of a secret weapon.

When you spend a few moments listening to who and what is connected to and influences the people you are meeting you get a real insight into their thinking.

➡️You can see the arguments they lay out and when you are planning to influence them, you can better prepare.

➡️You are given a list of others who are important to them and who’s ideas they respect. Creating your list of key targets for future meetings.

So don’t forget to spend time asking and listening.

1:1 meetings are not just about your agenda, selling and telling – they are a chance to learn, connect and expand who you need to work with for this and future opportunities.